Thomas has been attending the Munich TechDays this year as Rainmaker from Metacity and gave a speech on the upper mentioned topic.
“What a great and awesome day at #MunichTechDays it has been! WoW! Totally overwhelmed meeting all the old and new friends – and on top chatting with outstanding inspiring industry megastars! Thank you Peter Moehring and the overall team that made this event happen this year! I truly enjoyed sharing my view on #Metaverse in my presentation for #MetaCity “Elements Paving The Path To The Metaverse”. “

“Good to see the brave and strong traction, which is being generated in this field – really, really happy to see that!” The full presentation can be seen here:
Another extreme pleasure and honour it was to be on the same stage in the #AI and #Metaverse slot – talking about the #MetaVerse with Kevin Niekrawietz today at the #MunichTechDays. For sure we will follow on a dozen of super-creative (and most probably very tangible) topics for the #future.
In the meantime we are wrapping our minds around the challenge on how to beam and morph bikes into the #Metacity … probably #NFT is a viable solution? Paid with #MetaCity #TOQNs?!”

Looking forward to next year!!
#Metaverse #metacity #metabusiness #metalifes #metasociety #metaspaces #metaart #trecos #growth #shiftgears #team #nft #vr #ar #digitalid #digitalasset #blockchain #smartcontracts #dapp #DeFi #DAO #web3