I found this post rather interesting – about why identity matters. Especially looking at the wild-wild-west-cowboy-anarchy several areas of the web are (still) in. Looking forward this is needed – identity, authenticity, KYC, etc. Otherwise the “Metaverse” will be a place with limited trust and no peace of mind, which would certainly hamper a scaled mass adoption.

“Amid the hype and potential, there’s a lot of work to be done to establish the fundamentals that will make the Metaverse a safe experience for all. In particular, access must be underpinned by verified identities. Without verified identities in the Metaverse, anonymous bots can wreak havoc. For businesses, business people and celebrities, impersonators can cause damage to their brand and reputation, not to mention the new opportunities it creates for scammers and fraudsters. Ensuring trusted identity will therefore be fundamental to the safety and success of the Metaverse.”
Got interested? Follow me here in order to read the full post from Matt Peake on onfido.